Summer Learning

Registration has closed.
Summer camps will run Monday through Thursday beginning June 24 to July 24, 2024. There will be no school on July 4. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. See below for additional summer learning opportunities.

Dive into the new school year! We’re excited to offer expanded summer learning opportunities for BSS scholars! These summer programs offer students an opportunity to continue learning during the summer in a fun way.

Access online learning resources like SORA, iReady, Lexia, and Mathia by logging in to Launchpad to Learning to sharpen academic skills.

Continue strengthening reading habits and earn prizes by participating in King County Library System's reading challenge.

Watch video lessons for grades K-5, which are available on the BSS YouTube channel.

Download your child's printable Summer Learning Packet or pick up a hard copy in schools starting Friday, June 7. Hard copies for rising 1-12 grade levels packets will also be available to families at the ESC starting June 10.

Visit FRED, the big green school bus that brings healthy meals, learning and fitness activities to Federal Way students this summer. FRED helps scholars keep their academic skills growing at no cost to families! BSS will also be providing free summer meals through the USDA Summer Food Service Program.

Beginning this summer of 2024, the state of Washington will launch a new Summer EBT program called SUN Bucks. The program will provide families with $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy food when school is out.