Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, or MTSS, is a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a rapid response to scholars’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs with regular observation/assessment to facilitate data-based instructional decision making.

MTSS is about equity, in which scholars are provided the resources and supports they need in order to reach equal opportunities and outcomes. When applied with an equity lens, the MTSS framework uses asset-based data analysis in order to address the academic, social emotional, and behavioral needs of each and every scholar through layered tiers of instruction and support.

Tier 1: Universal

Tier 1 instruction and supports are the universally designed core instruction that is available to all scholars in all settings. All scholars have access to MTSS Tier 1, universally designed, grade level standards-based curriculum with high quality core instruction and social-emotional and behavioral supports at their grade level.

Tier 2: Targeted

MTSS Tier 2 interventions are an additional layer of targeted support for small groups of scholars over a period of time, with the intention of meeting the needs of 5–10% of the scholars within a school setting. Tier 2 interventions are targeted to specific skill gaps in academics, social-emotional, and behavior needs and are provided in small groups over a range of 6–12 weeks, based on student progress.

Considerations for Multilinguals (MLs)

When supporting scholars learning English, the impact of a scholar’s level of English language proficiency upon performance and growth must be considered in the following ways during lesson design and intervention planning:

  • Identify the student’s English language proficiency levels in listening, reading, speaking and writing.
  • What, if any targeted scaffolding strategies to increase the probability of academic success (e.g. advanced organizers, pre-teaching, graphic organizers, re-teaching) does the scholar need?



MTSS Tier 3 includes intensive skill development for individual scholars to overcome significant barriers in the areas of academics, social-emotional, and behavioral learning with the intention of serving 1–5% of scholars within a school. Tier 3 interventions are specific and aligned to individual student needs (e.g. skill deficit, function of behavior, etc.) and are intended to increase behavioral, social and psychological well-being, as well as academic engagement and achievement. Scholars receiving Tier 3 supports maintain access to both Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports at the school level.