Click here to see how we are better together in supporting our students and schools.
Thank you to the Greater BSS for hosting the 2024 State of Education!
As part of Dr. Pfeiffer's presentation, our Scholar Representatives to the School Board shared a powerful message that “We are Better Together” when it comes to supporting our students and schools.
Star Lake Elementary hosted their first-ever paint night for an evening of art instruction, fun learning, and coming together as a school community.
We’re #BSS Proud of our phenomenal scholars, staff, and community members and love recognizing them during the Good News Announcements at our board meetings!
Who We are Container
The purpose of BSS is to provide its students quality education necessary to succeed in a global economy. It is our resolve to promote high academic standards, attract high quality teachers and foster parent school involvement. We are committed to develop students who are independent, responsible, innovative, reflective, curious and life long learners.
We strongly believe that education should provide opportunities for cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Hence we offer a balanced curriculum comprising of internationally reputed academic program facilitated in a group and individual settings in a rich and varied context along with benchmarked non academic activities provided by the professionals in the industry
Our Chairman
Tholkappiyan Thirumavalavan, popularly known as Thol. Thirumavalavan is a political leader, scholar, and activist from Tamil Nadu. Born on August 17, 1962, in Anganur, Ariyalur District, Tamil Nadu, to Tholkappiyan and Periyammal.
He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at Presidency College, Chennai, followed by a Master’s degree in Criminology. He later pursued Law at Madras Law College. His academic journey culminated with a Ph.D. from Manonmanium Sundaranar University, where his research focused on the religious conversion of Meenakshipuram Dalits.
The Early Years
Every student scholar will enter kindergarten ready to learn with the social/emotional skills that will propel each student to meet or exceed grade level standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics by the end of third grade.
Whole child
WHOLE CHILD:Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Every student scholar will be empowered and prepared to develop personal responsibility in order to be positive, productive members of society.
active learners
Active Learners: Engaged, Empowered, Critical Thinkers
Every student scholar will enter kindergarten ready to learn with the social/emotional skills that will propel each student to meet or exceed grade level standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics by the end of third grade.
content-Area Competence
Content-Area Competence: Mastery of All Subjects
Every student scholar will receive equitable opportunity for success, and will meet or exceed standards of performance in all subjects by the end of each grade.
persistence to graduation
Persistence to graduation: High School Graduation Through Successful Transitions
Every student scholar will successfully navigate the critical transitions in their schooling, and will graduate from high school ready for college, career, and post-secondary experiences.