
If you need someone to talk to, call 206-461-4922 or (866) TEENLINK (833-6546)
If it is urgent, call CCORS crisis line at 206-461-3222 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
In an emergency, call 911

Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP)

School counselors create comprehensive school counseling programs that focus on scholar outcomes and teach scholar competencies.

Download the CSCP Guide

Multi-Tier, Multi-Domain System of Supports

Counseling services are delivered in all three domains (Academic, College & Career Readiness, and Social & Emotional Learning) as part of a tiered system of supports that include: Tier 1 counseling programs are provided to all students across the district. Tier 2 is additional support, in addition to Tier 1, to address identified deficiencies, missed opportunities, or needs within groups of students. Tier 3 is intensified, short-term support for a few students.

Curriculum used: Kelso’s Choice, Zones of Regulation, Second Step, Character Strong

Multi-Tier, Multi-Domain System of Supports diagram

Contact Information



BSS Scholars Graduating

BSS School Counseling Vision Statement

In support of Federal Way Pubic Schools Strategic Plan Goals, the school counseling program is designed to promote a safe and welcoming climate that empowers all scholars to be positive, productive members of society with strong academic, social and emotional skills and attitudes necessary for success. Scholars will be nurtured in their abilities to achieve at the highest levels by encouraging involvement of all stakeholders to work in partnership in order to contribute to scholar’s academic achievement. Through the lifelong learning skills acquired, scholars will continue to explore their intellectual, artistic, technological, physical, social, and character development.

School Counseling Mission Statement

The mission of the Blue Star Secondary School Comprehensive Counseling Program is to empower all scholars to reach their fullest potential by providing a comprehensive and equitable school counseling program to facilitate their academic, career, and social emotional development. The counseling program, as guided by the American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) National Model, which emphasizes the use of data, will promote engaged, empowered, critical thinkers. The program will also support the whole child and every scholar will become thriving, confident, and responsible individuals in their community.