Mental Health Resources

If you have or someone you know has mental health concerns, here are some resources:

If you need someone to talk to, call  206-461-4922 or (866) TEENLINK (833-6546)
If it is urgent, call CCORS crisis line at 206-461-3222 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
In an emergency, call 911


Washington State Department of Health:  Teen Health Hub WA  Find links to quality, accurate information on health topics that are important to you.  Each link is vetted by DOH’s Adolescent and Young Adult Health Team and reviewed by the Youth Advisory Council

Washington Teen Link: A Service of Crisis Connections or 866-833-6546.  Teen Link is a peer-to-peer support line, available 7 days a week, 6-10pm, call or text.

ParenTeen Connect A website designed for teens and caregivers, where they can hear from real families, get expert advice, and learn about practical tools to help them connect and communicate with each other.

Parent Trust for Washington Children: Call the Family Help Line or 1-800-932-4673. The Family Help Line is free to call from anywhere in WA State, available to parents, caregivers, and anyone working with youth, to help find reources, parenting classes, and more.

Common Sense Media for Parents As a parent/caregiver, create a free account to browse and use parent tips around media use by age range, topic, or platform, including online safety, parental controls, cell phone and media use, and more!